Get Paid. 30% Per Sale
Become Our Partner Today

Share our products with your audience and start making extra money. Earn more with every referral!

Get started in 3 easy steps

Step 1

Create Account

Sign up for our affiliate program to get access to your unique tracking links and to track your earnings. Get your affiliate link via Tolt.

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Step 2

Make Refferals

Include the affiliate links in blog posts, social media, or other promotional content. This ensures that any traffic you generate is tracked and earns you commission. See below what you can promote:

Step 3

Get Paid

When a sale is made using our affiliate link, you will receive 30% of the sale each month for up to 12 months, provided the subscription remains active. You can monitor all your earnings through the dashboard.

  • Make 30% commission per sale


We’ve got the answers!

Frequently Asked Questions

You'll find answers to common questions about the Material Tailwind affiliate program.

What is Material Tailwind?

Material Tailwind is a component library built with Tailwind CSS and React, designed to help developers and designers set up their web projects faster and more easily.

What tool do you use for tracking sales?

We use Tolt to monitor and track sales generated through our affiliates.

Can I promote the book and get the commision?

Yes, you can! You can promote either Material Tailwind PRO or the 'Roots of UI/UX Design' book and earn a 30% commission per sale.

When do I get paid?

Payment will be tracked and sent to all ou affiliates every month.

How can I track my earnings as a Partner?

After you sign in to our affiliate program, you will get access to your own dashboard, where you can track your performance and earnings.

How will you pay me?

We do the payments via PayPal, Wise, or bank transfer, based on your preference.