The website footer is used for displaying general information that a user might want to access from any page within your site, like useful resources, legal pages, contact information, and more. See below our examples of Footers coded with Tailwind CSS and React.
Try this free Tailwind CSS footer example that contains page links and a copyright notice.
Try this minimalist footer example with social links and copyright statement.
Use this footer example with navigation links, copyright statement, country dropdown, and settings icon that works perfectly for international websites with versions for different countries.
Try this footer example if you want to attract the users' attention with the notification and call to action. It also includes navigation links and a copyright statement.
Use this footer example if you want to let the users know what website version is available.
Try this versatile footer example with just navigation links and copyright statement.
Use this responsive footer example styled with Tailwind CSS that comes with dark design, email input, and CTA button.
This footer is designed to provide users with navigation to important sections of the website, legal information, and a subscription option for ongoing communication with the company.
Use this footer block to your project if you want to add a representative quote for the company.
Try this footer example with navigation links, copyright notice, and CTA button.
Use this footer example for a centered layout with social media link, copyright notice, and navigation links.
The footer is a complex block suitable for an international e-commerce or service-oriented website, including elements such as company information, user account navigation, legal resources, multilingual and multicurrency options, and a subscription feature for weekly newsletters.
Try this footer example with four columns of navigation links, social links, copyright notice, title, and description.
This footer example works perfectly on websites with a more complex and large structure. Copy-paste the code and add it to your Tailwind CSS and React project!
This footer example works perfectly on websites with a more complex and large structure. It also includes the company's statement.