User profile sections display essential user information, combining both personal details and performance data. These sections typically include a profile picture, name, contact information, and a brief bio. They may also feature links to external social accounts or portfolios, making it easier for others to connect with the user. Check out below our Tailwind CSS and React user profile section examples!
Try our free Tailwind CSS user profile section that comes with a profile picture, name, email, and a short bio. Links to social profiles like GitHub, Twitter, and Medium are included.
Check our user profile example that includes navigation tabs (General, Billing, Settings), allowing users to easily switch between different sections of their profile.
A user profile displaying key statistics along with a brief bio. There’s also a 'View Profile' button for more details.
Try this user profile section with the avatar and name centrally aligned. It includes navigation tabs (General, Billing, Invoices, Settings) and key stats below.