Tailwind CSS & React Web 3 Charts - Material Tailwind PRO

Discover our customizable crypto chart blocks, built to integrate with your Web 3 projects and dApps easily. Whether you need a detailed overview of a specific cryptocurrency or a comparative analysis of multiple assets, our Tailwind blocks provide a comprehensive way to display essential market information.

Crypto Chart with Details

Free Block

Use this section example to provide a quick overview of critical financial metrics.

Crypto Large Chart with One Line

Use this Tailwind CSS block to offer an in-depth view of transaction data over time. It comes with a detailed line graph that tracks the trends in transactions, illustrating key metrics such as your tokens, fees captured in SOL, and rewards earned.

Crypto Large Chart with Three Lines

Try this section to provide an overview of activity metrics with a detailed line graph that includes 3 separate lines. This multi-line graph helps users understand the correlations within their financial activities.

Crypto Charts with map

This block combines financial data with geographical insights. The geographic visualization helps users understand better the global spread and activity of nodes in the network.

Web 3 Simple Metrics

Use this example to provide a straightforward visualization of essential metrics. These simple, focused graphs allow for quick assessment and monitoring of key indicators.