Tailwind CSS Image - React

Use our React and Tailwind CSS img examples to portray people or objects in your web projects. The img can be used to display media content on your website.

See below our beautiful img examples that you can use in your Tailwind CSS and React project. The examples also comes in different styles so you can adapt it easily to your needs.

Image Demo

Here's how to implement a simple and responsive img. It can be used to display media content on your website.


Image with Rounded Corners

Here's how to implement an img with rounded corners using the rounded-lg classname.


Circular Image

Here's how to implement a circular img using the rounded-full classname.


Image with Shadow

Here's how to implement an img with a shadow using the shadow-lg and shadow-black/25 classnames.


Image with Caption

Here's how to implement an img with a caption using the figure HTML elements.

nature-image Image Caption

Image with Blurred Caption

Here's how to implement an img with a blurred caption using the Card and Typography components.

Sara Lamalo

20 July 2022
