Tailwind CSS Popover - React

Our Popover component for Tailwind CSS & React is a small overlay of content that is used to demonstrate secondary information of any component when a user clicks it.

See below our Popover component examples that you can use in your web project.

Popover Demo

Here's how to implement a simple Popover component. It can be used to display secondary information of any component when a user clicks it.

Popover Placement

You can change the placement of the Popover component by using the placement prop. The placement prop like top, top-start, top-end, right, right-start, right-end, bottom, bottom-start, bottom-end, left, left-start, and left-end. This will help you to position the Popover component in the desired location.

Subscription Popover

Here's how to implement a subscription popover using the Popover component. It can be used to display a subscription form when a user clicks the Subscribe button.

Contact Popover

Here's how to implement a contact popover using the Popover component. It can be used to display contact information when a user clicks the Contact Info button.

In the example below we've used the Iconoir icons, but you can use any other icon library you prefer.

Popover with Image

Here's how to implement a popover with an image using the Popover component. It can be used to display information with an image when a user clicks the More Info button.

In the example below we've used the Iconoir icons, but you can use any other icon library you prefer.

Profile Info Popover

Here's how to implement a profile info popover using the Popover component. It can be used to display profile information when a user clicks the Profile Info button.

In the example below we've used the Iconoir icons, but you can use any other icon library you prefer.

Popover with Description

Here's how to implement a popover with a description using the Popover component. It can be used to display some info with a description and other details when a user clicks the Repository Info button.

In the example below we've used the Iconoir icons, but you can use any other icon library you prefer.